Whether you are going through a divorce, or are fighting for custody of your child, a child custody lawyer can help you. They can represent you in court, mediation, or settlement negotiations.
When you are dealing with a custody dispute, you need to take your time and choose an attorney who is qualified for the job. Ultimately, the right attorney can make your life much easier.
Court Representation
Representing yourself in court is a brave decision, but one that can be costly. A professional attorney will move your case along faster and give you a better chance of winning the custody agreement you want.
Child custody matters can be complex, emotionally-charged issues that need to be handled by an experienced lawyer with a strong track record of resolving custody cases.
A family law attorney at our firm can help you fight for the best possible custody order, asset division, and expedient procedures.
The goal of mediation is to help parents reach an agreement on child custody and visitation issues without going to court. A mediator is an impartial, neutral person who facilitates a discussion between the parties to resolve the dispute.
A child custody lawyer can assist you in finding a qualified mediator. They should have attended mediation courses specifically geared toward divorce and family law, and they must be licensed.
They will also have experience in the specific issues involved in your case, such as how to determine legal custody or physical custody.
If you’re in a custody dispute, you may want to consider arbitration as an alternative to court. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), which can be more cost-effective and quicker than litigation.
In arbitration, parties agree to present their cases to an independent, neutral third party known as an arbitrator. Often, arbitrators are lawyers or retired judges with experience in family law.
After the hearing, the arbitrator will issue a decision in writing. This is usually binding on the parties, although they have the right to appeal it in some circumstances.
Settlement Negotiations
Child custody is one of the most important issues to resolve during a divorce. It can be a highly stressful time for both parents and their children, but a settlement can make the process easier for everyone involved.
A child custody lawyer will be able to help you through this process and ensure that the settlement is in your best interest. They can also ensure that the language of your agreement is flexible enough to accommodate future changes in your situation or your child’s needs.